How to Jailbreak?

Now although this website is mainly for jailbreak tweaks and apps, it is also important to learn the process of jailbreaking your device. This guide will assume you have no prior jailbreaking knowledge.


What You Will Need:

  • Your idevice(iPod, iPhone, or iPad)
  • Then newest ios currently ios 5.0.1(don’t upgrade past this without checking here first)!
  • a mac or pc computer
  • Now the software you will need is called redsn0w, the latest version is here for osx and here for windows.
  • If you are using either ipad 2 or iphone 4s you will need to use a software called absinthe instead of redsn0w due to the new A5 chip incorporated with these devices
  1. Absinthe for Windows 
  2. Absinthe for Mac
  3. Absinthe for Linux

Once these are downloaded the process will be fairly simple and will be relied on you simply following the onscreen directions.


But if you do need help, our team will be sure to help you if you post a comment on the bottom of the screen…